HR’s 2014 Agenda

Hackett Group’s Harry Osle discusses his firm’s latest research on the key issues facing HR leaders in 2014 — and beyond.

Powering a Revolution

By Andrew R. McIlvaineAt Tesla Motors, ensuring the electric-car maker’s unique vision and mission are carried out requires a whole new approach to HR.

Establishing a Credible Employee-Engagement Survey

By By Christine Rees-ZechaWhy do employees carry such skepticism around the confidentiality and credibility of employer surveys? The fear of having your manager know how you answered questions and the feeling that nothing will change anyway are just two reasons.

Underground Benefits Conversations

The time has come for HR executives and other leaders to take private discussions public, which may accomplish several positive things, including spirited debate, innovation and helping younger colleagues join the conversation.

Incentivizing Leaders in a Crisis

By Mark McGrawRecent research suggests offering certain types of bonuses to executives during a rough patch for the business may boost the company’s chances of surviving and thriving in the long run. The key to achieving the desired result, experts say, is in deferring payment until the company is back on more stable ground.

Fighting Workplace Violence

By Carol PattonThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently cracked down on two companies for violence in the workplace. Can your organization’s violence-prevention program satisfy federal standards?

Improving the Candidate Experience

HRE’s Editor David Shadovitz speaks with Gerry Crispin, co-founder of CareerXroads, about improving the candidate experience.